Wel - mae'r Eisteddfod drosodd ond be' 'dy hyn?
Dilynwch y cyfeiriad isod i gael môr o gân!
N.B Notice the two commands used in this post - Dilynwch (follow) a Mwynhewch (enjoy)
Of course these are general commands ... using the polite form.
If I were to be very familiar they would read as _ Dilyna a Mwynha
Well (!) - the Eisteddfod is over but what's this?
Follow the address below to have a sea of song!
Believe me "môr o gân" is a very familiar phrase in Welsh. Someone once said "Môr o gân 'dy Cymru."
You might hear someone say - "Roedd Dafydd yn morio canu neithiwr" (D. was singing wonderfully last night) or "Roedd y côr yn morio canu." (The choir were singing splendidly.") It is used as a complement!
Cyfeiriad = address
Beth ydy eich cyfeiriad? / Be' ydy dy gyfeiriad? - What is your address?
Isod - below used here in a kind of official jargon ... "Follow the address below."
Of course I could have written "Dilynwch y linc isod" - but I know some of you would be smiling!
Hwyl fawr!